Category: Blogs

Cybersecurity KPI metrics that CISOs should track.

Cybersecurity KPI metrics that CISOs should track.

Chief information security officers (CISOs) need to track certain metrics to gauge the efficiency of their SOC and to see how effectively they’ve achieved their goals. This helps them perceive how the security function has progressed in each of the metrics over time. Cybersecurity KPIs will also help CISOs benchmark against industry standards and understand

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Building a resilient IT infrastructure: Where do enterprises start?

Building a resilient IT infrastructure: Where do enterprises start?

The shift towards hybrid work models has expanded the perimeters of work, adding to the burden on IT teams as they fight to stay resilient in the face of increased attack surfaces. All it takes for an invasion into an enterprise’s IT infrastructure is one compromised identity.  So, what are enterprise identities? These are the

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Leverage this blueprint to ensure the security of your Active Directory

Leverage this blueprint to ensure the security of your Active Directory

Almost 90% of businesses employ Active Directory in their IT environments to manage user accounts and control access, according to a report released by Cyber Defense Magazine. It’s not surprising that cyberattacks find AD a lucrative target. The same report notes that 95 million AD accounts are targeted every day. Exploiting user accounts and leveraging

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